Friday, January 8, 2010

Es Schneielet...

It's snowing in my beautiful, cozy little village, and I have this children's song stuck in my head.

I'm trying to unstick that version. It's a bit redundant. This one is slightly better, as far as songs stuck in one's head go:


  1. Oh, thanks. Now I will go crazy until I figure out what song I know to the tune of the second video....

  2. Got it. It is nearly, though not quite, "Victory in Jesus." There's a part at the end that reminds me of something else, but I can't afford to obsess on this....

  3. Ooh, you're right! it is rather "Victory in Jesus"-ish.

    The first tune always reminds me a bit of "It's raining, it's pouring."

  4. better don't let that second song get stuck in your head... ;-)

  5. I don't know where the original comment of mine went, but the first lady got it all wrong. My Grossmutti (and the second video) all agreed that it was the girls putting on gloves and the boys walking fast - "Und d'Mäitli legge d'Händsche-n-aa und d'Buebe laufe gschwind."

  6. I thought they had it wrong! I learned it the other way too.
